I S A A C A S I M O V ' S F O U N D A T I O N T R I L O G Y --------- --------------- ------------------- ------------- 1973 First Show: 06 May, 1973 Last Show: 24 Jun, 1973 Number Shows: 8 Audition Show: none Series Description: The BBC brought Isaac Asimov's classic science fiction trilogy to the air as an eight part radio drama, airing on BBC Radio 3 in 1973. It was produced by the BBC Radiophonic Workshop and was one of the first BBC radio drama series to be produced in stereo. Each episode was 60 minutes long. The first book of the trilogy, "Foundation", is done in three episodes. The remaining two books, "Foundation and Empire" and "Second Foundation", are done in two episodes each. The printed version of Trilogy consists of a series of stories that relate the history of the Galactic Empire from it's peak, through its fall and to the founding of the second Empire. Although the three books are not covered completely by the radio version, the stories flow together nicely. The BBC broadcast the series three times, in 1973 on Radio 3, in 1978 and in July 2003 on Radio 7. Dates for the 1973 version are used in this log. All broadcasts were done as eight one-hour episodes. The series crossed the Atlantic and was heard on in the US on National Public Radio stations. For this broadcast, the series was converted to 16 30-minute episodes. Broadcast dates for the US airing are not known. Chronological Log: Date Num Title ------------ --- --------------------------------------------- 06 May, 1973 1 "Foundation: Psychohistory and Encyclopedia" 13 May, 1973 2 "Foundation: The Mayors" 20 May, 1973 3 "Foundation: The Merchant Princes" 27 May, 1973 4 "Foundation: The General" 03 Jun, 1973 5 "Foundation and Empire: The Mule" 10 Jun, 1973 6 "Foundation and Empire: Flight From The Mule" 17 Jun, 1973 7 "Second Foundation: The Mule Finds" 24 Jun, 1973 8 "Second Foundation: Stars End" Additional: Besides the Trilogy, here's a list other works of Dr. Asimov that have been adapted to the radio stage. * The BBC production of "The Caves of Steel", 24 Jun, 1989, 90 minutes, broadcast on the BBC's "Saturday Night Theatre". * From DIMENSION X: "Pebble in the Sky", 17 Jun, 1951 "Nightfall", 29 Sep, 1951 * From EXPLORING TOMORROW: "Liar", show #12, 1957. * From X MINUS ONE: "Nightfall", 07 Dec. 1955 "C-Chute", 08 Feb, 1956 "Hostess", 12 Dec, 1956 For information on the DIMENSION X, EXPLORING TOMORROW and X MINUS ONE shows, see my logs for those series. References: * "Science Fiction on Radio: A Revised Look At 1950-1975" by James F. Widner and Meade Frierson III. (Available from A.F.A.B, PO Box 130969, Birmingham, AL 35213-0969). * "The Ultimate History of Network Radio Programming and Guide To All Circulating Shows", by Jay Hickerson, 27436 Desert Rose Ct., Leesburg, FL 34748 Other Logs or Books: * FOUNDATION & EMPIRE log, Jerry Haendiges Productions, 13808 Sunset Dr., Whittier, CA 90602 (http://www.otrsite.com) Reader Feedback: * Paul C. Palmer correctly pointed out that episode 1 and 2 were reversed and the date of episode 2 was wrong. He was the first person in North America to have the series and was responsible for getting it into circulation. * Ian Beard corrected the error that the BBC produced two versions of the series (the 1973 and 1978 broadcasts are the same) and provided the broadcast date for "Caves of Steel". Last Update: Jul 25, 2007 This log is informational only and does not imply that I have these shows for trade or sale. The shows are still protected under copyright law and should be obtained only from authorized dealers. The log may be freely reproduced and published on a no-profit basis. Please send error corrections or additional information to Frank M. Passage, 109 Elmwood Road, Verona, NJ 07044 (email: wb2ntp@arrl.net).