C H I L L E R S --------------- 2002 First Show: 24 Jan, 2002 Last Show: 14 Feb, 2002 Number Shows: 4 Audition Show: none Series Description: Fans of Old-Time radio and science fiction undoubtedly know of the 1950's DIMENSION X and X MINUS ONE series that aired on NBC stations in the United States. These brought some of the very best stories of noted science fiction authors of the day to the airwaves. Continuing in this tradition, a series of four radio plays aired early in 2002 over BBC Radio 4. The series was entitled "Chillers" or, from a BBC promo note, "Chillers, Four Tales of Terror". All four plays were dramatized by Mike Walker, winner of the 2001 Gold Sony Award for Drama, for his original science fiction fable "Alpha". Series producer was Ned Chaillet who produced "Man In Snow", winner of the 2001 Bronze Sony Award for Drama. Mr. Chaillet also directed two of the plays. The other two were directed by Rachel Horan, a young director from Dublin who had previously directed a number of plays for BBC Radio 4. The plays aired on Radio 4 on Thursdays at 11 PM, each play running 30 minutes. As in the radio plays of the 50's, they bring to radio the stories of major science fiction authors but with the use of modern techniques. Each is an very enjoyable listen. Play Descriptions: "Who Goes There?" by John W. Cambell An alien being is found frozen in the ice of Antarctica. When it is thawed, it awakens, to become a threat to the small base camp. In fact, it's a threat to all life on earth, as it can change shape and absorb the life and bodies of every living thing it comes in contact with. If this sounds familiar, is should. It was made twice into a Hollywood movie, both times under the title, "The Thing". Mr. Cambell, no stranger to Old-Time Radio, narrated the science fiction series, EXPOLRING TOMORROW, in the late 1950's. "I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream" by Harlan Ellison This is a tale of five people kept alive by AM, a computer that came alive, waged war and won against mankind. It's hatred of mankind is so profound, that it kept these five alive only to torture them. The author, Harlan Ellison, takes the role of AM ("I think, therefore I AM") in one of the most famous stories of the twentieth century. "Delta Sly Honey" by Lucius Shepard Taking place in the Vietnam War era, this is the story of a Southern country boy who exorcises his demons making late night broadcasts to phantom military units. Then, one answers. "Corona" by Samuel R. Delaney This is the story of an injured man and a girl who seeks death to free her from the pain that comes from her telepathic ability. Their common bond is a pop musician who offers peace to both. Chronological Log: Num Air Date Title / Author / Director / Cast --- ------------ --------------------------------------------- 1 24 Jan, 2002 "Who Goes There?" Author: John W. Cambell Director: Rachel Horan Cast: MacReady ................. Liam Brennan Professor Blair ......... Ioan Meredith Dr Norris ................... Cyril Nri Commander Gary ..... Christopher Godwin Kinner .................... Harry Myers Connant .................. Colin Adrian 2 31 Jan, 2002 "I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream" Author: Harlan Ellison Director: Ned Chaillet Cast: Ted ........................ David Soul AM ..................... Harlan Ellison Ellen ...................... Abi Eniola Nimdok .................... Ewan Bailey Gorrister ................ David Timson Benny .................... Jason O'Mara Music: Wilfredo Acosta 3 07 Feb, 2002 "Delta Sly Honey" Author: Lucius Shepard Director: Ned Chaillet Cast: Lieutenant Curt ......... Corey Johnson Randall J. Willingham .. Robert Petkoff Sergeant Moon ............. Sam Douglas Delta Sly Marines ......... Ben Onwukwe 4 14 Feb, 2002 "Corona" Author: Samuel R. Delaney Director: Rachel Horan Cast: Lee ................. Josie Kook-Clarke Buddy .................... Walter Lewis Mom ........................ Dona Croll Bim ..................... John Moraitis Dr. Gross ............. William Roberts Big Foot .................. Bill Bailey Last Update: May 20, 2004 This log is informational only and does not imply that I have these shows for trade or sale. The shows are still protected under copyright law and should be obtained only from authorized dealers. The log may be freely reproduced and published on a no-profit basis. Please send error corrections or additional information to Frank M. Passage, 109 Elmwood Road, Verona, NJ 07044 (email: wb2ntp@arrl.net).