Horatio Hornblower Staring Michael Redgrave #1 Horatio Deals With A Mad King #2 Horatio Captures The "Natividad" #3 Shakey Alliance With "El Supremo" #4 Battle Against "El Supremo" #5 "Lydia" Sinks The "Natividad" #6 Damaged "Lydia" Heads For Panama #7 Return To The Fleet #8 Return To Sea #9 Protecting The Convoy #10 Disguised As A French Ship #11 Guerilla Action #12 The Spanish Fail To Attack #13 Takes On The French Fleet #14 Mutiny On The "Flame" #15 Disguised As The "Flame" #16 Courtmartial Of Barry McCool #17 Capture Of Le Harve #18 Acting Governor Of Le Harve #19 Barbara Joins Horatio #20 Napoleon Returns #21 Napoleon Is Defeated #22 A Prisoner In 1811 #23 Meets Marie And Escape #24 Horatio Captures A Ship #25 Rejoining The Fleet #26 Horatio Is Court Martialed #27 Into The Baltic #28 Chasing The Blanche Fluer #29 Alliance With Russia #30 Reception With The Czar #31 Attack On Fort At Fisher's Half #32 Port Of Riga #33 Delaying The French #34 The French Are Stopped #35 The Duel #36 The Spanish Leave Napoleon #37 Hornblower's First Command #38 Prisoner Of The French On The "Peek" #39 With The 43rd Marines #40 Spain Becomes Neutral #41 Exam For Lieutenant #42 Quarantine For Plague #43 Chasing The "Papillion" #44 Command Of The "La Mouch" #45 Prisoner And Rescue Of Spanish #46 First Meeting With Bush #47 Planning Mutiny On The "Renoun" #48 First Attack On Haiti Fails #49 Attack On Haiti Fort #50 Yellow Fever #51 Fighting The Spanish On The "Renoun" #52 Promoted To Captain Of The "Retribution" According to Jay Hickerson's Ultimate History of Radio Programs, the shows ran at different time periods and on three different networks between July 1952 to May 1957 and listed 43 plus shows. While talking with Penny Fabb, the OTR fan and collector from England and probably the best "authority" on the series, she said that there were 52 programs in the series. There were no actual titles to each show and Penny used Hornblower's opening statement as her titles to identify each show. The program titles in my log listed above are based on story content of each show or titles from other collectors lists. Penny said the series was produced by Harry Towers and his Towers of London syndicate and was not broadcast over BBC. Penny also told me that the Hornblower series, like the other Tower Productions, The Black Museum, The Scarlet Pimpernal, and The Third Man, was broadcast over Radio Luxenburg. The BBC was not interested in doing the Hornblower series. Penny has been trying to collect the entire series for many years and was only able to gather 48 shows from collectors both in England and the United States. She was very surprised and pleased to find that I have all 52 shows and that she was finally able to complete her collection. Anyone interested in further information on the Horatio Hornblower series can contact me by e-mail. Henry R. Hinkel hinkel@telnet.net