by Dick Judge (A work in progress) Revised Apr 19, 2004

This juvenile western featured movie star Guy Madison as the lead, ably assisted
by media veteran Andy Devine as his sidekick Jingles. Both remained with the
series for its entire run. Kellogg's was the sponsor from start to finish.
After the last show in December 1954 it went into syndication from July 1955
until Feb 1956. Guy Madison and Andy Devine were extremely busy during this
time. In addition to the radio series they also appeared in 113 half hour TV
Wild Bill Hickok shows between 1951 and 1958. The TV version began as a
syndicted one; it was picked up by CBS-TV and viewed from 1955 and 1958 and
on ABC-TV from 1957 to 1958 in the day time or late afternoon.

The information that follows concerns only the radio version of the series:

Total original shows: 273                   Audition show: Gunsmoke and Violet
First show: May 21, 1951                    Last show: Dec 31, 1954
Network: Mutual                             Sponsor: Kellogg's

Air dates: May 21, 1951 through Nov 4, 1951   Sundays
           Nov 7, 1951 through Dec 21, 1951   Wednesday and Fridays
           Dec 24, 1951                       Monday
           Dec 31, 1951 through Dec 31, 1954  Monday, Wednesday, Friday
                    (with repeat shows on Mondays through Oct 18, 1954)

This log is in two parts. The first in chronological order, the second in
alphabetical order. Only original programs were numbered, repeats not.

The author of this log can be reached at dickjudge@juno.com.


      S = Sunday  M = Monday   W = Wednesday   F = Friday
      R: #x, x-xx-xx = Repeat of show, show number, date first aired

    DATE      Y  NO.          TITLE                    STORY LINE & REMARKS
------------ --- ---  ---------------------------   --------------------------
May 27, 1951  S   1   First show; no title given    War between the ranchers
                                                    and the railroad
Jun 3, 1951   S   2   Missouri Kid                  Bill gets arrested and then
                                                    rescued by Jingles
Jun 10, 1951  S   3   Case of the Unlucky Seven     Death strikes and seven
                                                    men have disappeared
Jun 17, 1951  S   4   Outlaw's Revenge              Ex-con accused of a killing
                                                    and a robbery
Jun 24, 1951  S   5   Red Wagon Jinx                Mysterious jinx hits
                                                    freight wagons
Jul 1, 1951   S   6   Cave-in at Careful Smith's    Prospectors are getting
                      Mine                          killed for their claim
Jul 8, 1951   S   7   Outlaw's Bargain              Face to face with mob
Jul 15, 1951  S   8   Charge on Devil's Mountain
Jul 22, 1951  S   9   Road Agents at Red Rock       Thieves are stealing gold
                                                    from shipments
Jul 29, 1951  S  10   Shadow Hills Gang             Bill and Jingles witness a
                                                    stage holdup by the gang
Aug 5, 1951   S  11   Confidence Man                Jingles is victimized by a
                                                    traveling medicine man
Aug 12, 1951  S  12   Press for Justice             Woman newspaper publisher
                                                    fights crooked politicians
Aug 19, 1951  S  13   Warpath or Peace              Trying to make peace between
                                                    the Indians and ranchers
Aug 26, 1951  S  14   Strange Secret of Arroyo      Three men and a baby
Sep 2, 1951   S  15   Mystery of Ghost Town Gold    Bill and Jingles are arrest-
                                                    ed for murdering a sheriff
Sep 9, 1951   S  16   Trail of Death                Two prospectors have dis-
                                                    appeared in the mountains
Sep 16, 1951  S  17   Trail Herd Trouble            Jingles is hired as a range
                                                    cook on a cattle drive
Sep 23, 1951  S  18   Dangerous Wedding             Bill and Jingles are invited
                                                    ed to an acrimonious wedding
Sep 30, 1951  S  19   Fury of Savage River          Big rains threatens to burst
                                                    and flood the homesteaders
Oct 7, 1951   S  20   Mixed Brands                  Taming those Texas trail
                                                    herd cowboys
Oct 14, 1951  S  21   Four Aces for Death           Four men make up two-men
                                                    teams of bank robbers
Oct 21, 1951  S  22   Mystery Fist                  Range detective is shot
                                                    down in a railroad depot
Oct 28, 1951  S  23   Range War                     Feud between the Caldwells
                                                    and the Moores
Nov 4, 1951   S  24   Title unknown
Nov 7, 1951   W  25   White Fury
Nov 9, 1951   F  26   Killer Whip
Nov 14, 1951  W  27   Blind Trail
Nov 16, 1951  F  28   Man Who Didn't Come Back
Nov 21, 1951  W  29   Mission in Almagordo
Nov 23, 1951  F  30   Five Deadly Double Eagles
Nov 28, 1951  W  31   Bad Medicine at Dry Gulch
Nov 30, 1951  F  32   Vengeance Trail
Dec 5, 1951   W  33   Voice of Echo Canyon
Dec 7, 1951   F  34   Gold Maker
Dec 12, 1951  W  35   Red Trunk Riddle
Dec 14, 1951  F  36   Challenge of Sentinel
Dec 19, 1951  W  37   Old Wyatt Foster's Secret
Dec 21, 1951  F  38   Wheels of Doom
Dec 24, 1951  M  39   Sir Tommy, the Silver Knight  Christmas story
Dec 31, 1951  M       First show; no title given    R:#1, 5-27-51
Jan 2, 1952   W  40   Dead of Winter                Big dance and a lover's
Jan 4, 1952   F  41   Legacy of Death               Jingles inherits Texas ranch
Jan 7, 1952   M       Missouri Kid                  R:#2, 6-3-51
Jan 9, 1952   W  42   Two-Faced Horny Toad          Gold robberies; outlaw is
                                                    dressed as a horny toad
Jan 11, 1952  F  43   Shawnee Raid                  Indians raiding freight
Jan 14, 1952  M       Case of the Unlucky Seven     R:#3, 6-10-51
Jan 16, 1952  W  44   Forged Fire                   Blacksmith plots against
                                                    Wild Bill's life
Jan 18, 1952  F  45   Secret of Hard Luck Mine      Lucky "Fourleaf" Clover and
                                                    the lost gold mine
Jan 21, 1952  M       An Outlaw's Revenge           R:#4, 6-17-51
Jan 23, 1952  W  46   Revenge of the Redman         Indians are starving
Jan 25, 1952  F  47   Mark of a Killer              Helping Zip find his father
                                                    who disappeared
Jan 28, 1942  M       Red Wagon Jinx                R:#5, 6-24-51
Jan 30, 1952  W  48   Dark Horse Candidate          Reform candidate for mayor
                                                    of Jack Pot disappears
Feb 1, 1952   F  49   Gunsmoke Pass                 Someone is trying to kill a
                                                    government land surveyor
Feb 4, 1952   M       Cave-in or Cave-in at         R:#6, 7-1-51
                      Careful Smith's Mine
Feb 6, 1952   W  50   Trail of Vengeance            Young boy says someone is
                                                    trying to kill his family
Feb 8, 1952   F  51   Treasure of Old No. 9         Train robbers
Feb 11, 1952  M       Outlaw's Bargain              R:#7, 7-8-51
Feb 13, 1952  W  52   Riverboat Killers             Looking for a gang of river-
                                                    boat bandits
Feb 15, 1952  F  53   Mysterious Bell Ringer        Sheep rustlers
Feb 18, 1952  M       Charge on Devil's Mountain*   R:#8, 7-15-51
Feb 20, 1952  W  54   Gunsmoke and Violet           Wild Bill's first adventure
Feb 22, 1952  F  55   Buckshot's Victory            A tangle of treachery and a
                                                    race with death
Feb 25, 1952  M       Road Agents at Red Rock       R:#9, 7-22-51
Feb 27, 1952  W  56   Flame Riders                  Men setting homesteads on
Feb 29, 1952  F  57   Fightin' the Bits             After a gang of young
Mar 3, 1952   M       Shadow Hills Gang             R:#10, 7-29-51
Mar 5, 1952   W  58   Phantom of the Gold Circle    Townspeople disappear
Mar 7, 1952   F  59   Thunder on the Plain          Tangling with a bunch of
                                                    horse thieves
Mar 10, 1952  M       Confidence Man                R:#11, 8-5-51
Mar 12, 1952  W  60   Big John and Little Mike      Two bank robbers
Mar 14, 1952  F  61   Death at Sunset Trail         Escorting a mail train
Mar 17, 1952  M       Press for Justice             R:#12, 8-12-51
Mar 19, 1952  W  62   Battle at Bear Creek          Cattle rustling
Mar 21, 1952  F  63   Pettigrew's Prize Pig         Pig eats holdup diamond
Mar 24, 1952  M       Warpath or Peace              R:#13, 8-19-51
Mar 26, 1952  W  64   Jokes and Gunsmoke            83 year old practical
Mar 28, 1952  F  65   Wild Miller of Peyute Falls   Tangling with a crazy
                                                    old coot
Mar 31, 1952  M       Secret of Arroyo Diablo       R:#14, 8-26-51
Apr 2, 1952   W  66   Shot in the Dark              Trouble between Americans
                                                    and California Mexicans
Apr 4, 1952   F  67   Rescue at Salvation Springs   Stranded wagon train
Apr 7, 1952   M       Ghost Town Gold               R:#15, 9-2-51
Apr 9, 1952   W  68   Monstrous Toothache           Toothache leads to an un-
                                                    solved crime
Apr 11, 1952  F  69   Thunder and Lightning         Outlaws have captured the
                                                    the sheriff
Apr 14, 1952  M       Trail of Death                R:#16, 9-9-51
Apr 16, 1952  W  70   Snap for Snooper              On the trail of counter-
Apr 18, 1952  F  71   Secret of Sandy Hook          Bill & Jingles are mistaken
                                                    for two killers
Apr 21, 1952  M       Trail Herd Trouble            R:#17, 9-16-51
Apr 23, 1952  W  72   Deadlock at Silver Site       Someone is blocking the
                                                    completion of a railroad
Apr 25, 1952  F  73   Bullets at the Silver Bell    Delivering the deed on the
                                                    Silver Bell mine
Apr 28, 1952  M       Dangerous Wedding             R:#18, 9-23-51
Apr 30, 1952  W  74   Hornet's Nest                 On the trail of Pecos Jack,
May 2, 1952   F  75   Jingles, the Ladies Man       Carlotta wants Jingles to
                                                    marry her
May 5, 1952   M       Fury of Savage River          R:#19, 9-30-51
May 7, 1952   W  76   Black Canyon Gang             Bart Master heads a ruthless
                                                    gang of bank robbers
May 9, 1952   F  77   Alkali Justice                Dispute between two ranchers
                                                    over grazing land
May 12, 1952  M       Mixed Brands                  R:#20, 10-7-51
May 14, 1952  W  78   Two Plus Two                  School bells ring in the
                                                    middle of the night
May 16, 1952  F  79   Champion of Farro Flats       Frog jumping contest
May 19, 1952  M       Four Aces for Death           R:#21, 10-14-51
May 21, 1952  W  80   Bandits of Badwater County    Construction company keeps
                                                    being robbed of its payroll
May 23, 1952  F  81   Shotgun Swindler              Con man "salts" mines
May 26, 1952  M       Mystery Fist                  R:#22, 10-21-51
May 28, 1952  W  82   Sting of the Rawhide Whip     The boys hire out as drivers
                                                    to catch some stage robbers
May 30, 1952  F  83   Whine of a Saw                Poachers cutting down
                                                    government timber
Jun 2, 1952   M       Range War                     R:#23, 10-21-51
Jun 4, 1952   W  84   Duquesne Revenge              Trying to settle an argument
                                                    between two ranchers
Jun 6, 1952   F  85   Baron of the Badlands         Don Antonio Smith, the baron
                                                    who rules with an iron hand

Sep 8, 1952   M       Title unknown                 R:#24, 11-4-51
Sep 10, 1952  W  86   Daring of Digby Dean          Battle over the location of
                                                    a county seat
Sep 12, 1952  F  87   Letter of Warning             Real shenanigans and gun
                                                    fighting in one family
Sep 15, 1952  M       White Fury                    R:#25, 11-7-51
Sep 17, 1952  W  88   Sunnyside Scrap               Gun battle between two old
Sep 19, 1952  F  89   Secret of Mile High Rock      Big land swindle
Sep 22, 1952  M       Killer Whip*                  R:#26, 11-9-51
Sep 24, 1952  W  90   Queen of the Quantrills       Strange doings in a
Sep 26, 1952  F  91   Mayor of Mule Mesa            Prospector finds gold on
                                                    the "mayor's" property
Sep 29, 1952  M       Blind Trail                   R:#27, 11-14-51
Oct 1, 1952   W  92   Vicious Joke                  Range war between ranchers
                                                    and farmers
Oct 3, 1952   F  93   Wolf of Ghost Mountain        Who or what is killing the
Oct 6, 1952   M       Man Who Didn't Come Back      R:#28, 11-16-51
Oct 8, 1952   W  94   Jingles' Birthday Party       Bill's party for Jingles
Oct 10, 1952  F  95   One More to Get               After train robbers
Oct 13, 1952  M       Mission in Almagordo          R:#29, 11-21-51
Oct 15, 1952  W  96   Secret of the Iron Door       Fight to the finish with
                                                    desperate outlaws
Oct 17, 1952  F  97   Terrible Cook                 Bill and Jingles eat food
                                                    sprinkled with rat poison
Oct 20, 1952  M       Five Deadly Double Eagles     R:#30, 11-23-51
Oct 22, 1952  W  98   Mark of the Claw              Trying to make peace between
                                                    Indians and homesteaders
Oct 24, 1952  F  99   Dangerous Vacation            Jingles ill; doctor orders
                                                    that he get away for a week
Oct 27, 1952  M       Bad Medicine at Dry Gulch     R:#31, 11-28-51
Oct 29, 1952  W  100  Jaws of the Law               Man does not want the
                                                    railroad to come to town
Oct 31, 1952  F  101  Trap at Pistol Springs        Freight wagon blown up;
                                                    motive was not robbery
Nov 3, 1952   M       Vengeance Trail               R:#32, 11-30-51
Nov 5, 1952   W  102  Mad Men of Moon Mountain      Sheriff faces losing battle
                                                    with townspeople
Nov 7, 1952   F  103  Gunman's Brand                Cattle stampedes & rustling
Nov 10, 1952  M       Voice of Echo Canyon          R:#33, 12-5-51
Nov 12, 1952  W  104  Wild Bill's Double Trouble    Wild Bill chases himself all
                                                    over New Mexico
Nov 14, 1952  F  105  Treasure Map War              Treasure map causes trouble
                                                    and fighting
Nov 17, 1952  M       Gold Maker                    R:#34, 12-7-51
Nov 19, 1952  W  106  Old Red's Revenge             Furious fight over a lead
                                                    steer used in cattle drives
Nov 21, 1952  F  107  Hang Town Jail                Picking up a prisoner in
                                                    Hang Town
Nov 24, 1952  M       Red Trunk Riddle              R:#35, 12-12-51
Nov 26, 1952  W  108  Red River Mutiny              A ship captain and his mate
                                                    run into Bill & Jingles
Nov 28, 1952  F  109  Tinker's Revenge              Elmer Ellington, tinker, has
                                                    a dead man in his wagon
Dec 1, 1952   M       Challenge of Sentinel         R:#36, 12-14-51
Dec 3, 1952   W  110  War Drums and the Princess    Making peace between the
                                                    Indians and the Army
Dec 5, 1952   F  111  Timber Trouble                Falling trees, runaway
Dec 8, 1952   M       Old Wyatt Foster's Secret     R:#37, 12-19-51
Dec 10, 1952  W  112  Trail of the Cougar
Dec 12, 1952  F  113  Joke Book Bandits             Two men wearing masks are
                                                    holding up banks
Dec 15, 1952  M       Wheels of Doom                R:#38, 12-21-51
Dec 17, 1952  W  114  Delta Belle Hijack            Man wants to get his herd
                                                    across the river
Dec 19, 1952  F  115  Circle of Death               Bill and Jingles look for a
                                                    man who disappeared
Dec 22, 1952  M  116  Rustlers of Rattlesnake Bend  Cattle rustlers
Dec 24, 1952  W       Sir Tommy, the Silver Knight  R:#39, 12-24-51
Dec 26, 1952  F  117  Ruins of Black Canyon         "Help" is written the sand
                                                    beside a hot spring
Dec 29, 1952  M  118  Stranger                      3 day chase after a deadly
Dec 31, 1952  W       Dead of Winter                R:#40, 1-2-52
Jan 2, 1953   F  119  Jingles Settles Down          Jingles buys a cafe; runs it
Jan 5, 1953   M       Legacy of Death               R:#41, 1-4-52
Jan 7, 1953   W       No broadcast
Jan 9, 1953   F  120  Two Gun Justice               Young cowhand gives Bill and
                                                    Jingles a hard time
Jan 12, 1953  M       Two-Faced Horny Toad          R:#42, 1-9-52
Jan 14, 1953  W  121  Wagon Train to Tombstone      Guarding wagon train carry-
                                                    ing $30,000 in gold
Jan 16, 1953  F  122  Danny's Big Ride              There's a plot to break up
                                                    horse race
Jan 19, 1953  M       Shawnee Raid*                 R:#43, 1-11-52
Jan 21, 1953  W  123  Windmill on the River         Smuggling is taking place
                                                    at the windmill
Jan 23, 1953  F  124  Voice in Hawkins' Well        Mysterious voice in the well
                                                    cries for help
Jan 26, 1953  M       Forged Fire                   R:#44, 1-16-52
Jan 28, 1953  W  125  Guns of Grandpa Granger       Retired old sheriff causes
                                                    lots of trouble
Jan 30, 1953  F  126  Blood Money                   Grand prize at Mesa City
                                                    rodeo turns into blood money
Feb 2, 1953   M       Secret of Hard Luck Mine      R:#45, 1-18-52
Feb 4, 1953   W  127  Capture of Trader Joe         Horse dealer accused of
                                                    selling maimed horses
Feb 6, 1953   F  128  Colorado Killer               Case of mistaken identity
Feb 9, 1953   M       Revenge of the Redman         R:#46, 1-23-52
Feb 11, 1953  W  129  Trail of the Grizzly Bear     Grizzly bear is killing
                                                    Sunshine Smith's cattle
Feb 13, 1953  F  130  Phantom Rustlers              Most baffling case ever -
                                                    mystery rustlers
Feb 16, 1953  M       Mark of a Killer              R:#47, 1-25-52
Feb 18, 1953  W  131  Grass Valley Swindle          Swindlers sell land but
                                                    don't mention dry spells
Feb 20, 1953  F  132  Death on the Desert           Runaway stage coach in the
Feb 23, 1953  M       Dark Horse Candidate          R:#48, 1-30-52
Feb 25, 1953  W  133  Timothy Dolan's Last Stand    Bill and Jingles work as
Feb 27, 1953  F  134  Big Welcome at Shady Rest     Why aren't strangers welcome
                                                    in Shady Rest?
Mar 2, 1953   M       Gunsmoke Pass                 R:#49, 2-1-52
Mar 4, 1953   W  135  Gun Belt Treasure             Two men hold up Bill & Jing-
                                                    les; take only Jingles belt
Mar 6, 1953   F       No broadcast
Mar 9, 1953   M       Trail of Vengeance            R:#50, 2-6-52
Mar 11, 1953  W  136  Killer of Candy Flat          Gang captures town sheriff
                                                    and terrorizes the town
Mar 13, 1953  F  137  Hand of Death
Mar 16, 1953  M       No Broadcast
Mar 18, 1953  W  138  Struggle for the Main Divide  Investigating a right-of-way
                                                    location for the railroad
Mar 20, 1953  F  139  Dodge City or Bust            Bill & Jingles go on cattle
                                                    drive to protect herd
Mar 23, 1953  M       Treasure of Old No. 9         R:#51, 2-8-52
Mar 25, 1953  W  140  Cry of a Killer               Was a man killed by a cougar
Mar 27, 1953  F  141  Carnival of Danger            Carnival provides fun and a
Mar 30, 1953  M       Riverboat Killers             R:#52, 2-13-52
Apr 1, 1953   W  142  Jingles to the Rescue         Claim jumpers
Apr 3, 1953   F  143  Coyote Kid's Return           Coyote Kid is framed for
                                                    bank robbery
Apr 6, 1953   M       Mysterious Bell Ringer        R:#53, 2-15-52
Apr 8, 1953   W  144  Broken Wheel Grade            After a train explosion
                                                    silver bullion disappears
Apr 10, 1953  F  145  Tarnished Gold                Man tries to gain control of
                                                    gold mine by killing owners
Apr 13, 1953  M       Gunsmoke and Violet           R:#54, 2-20-52
Apr 15, 1953  W  146  Big Cleanup                   Dead man comes back to life
Apr 17, 1953  F  147  Wild Horse Mesa               Bill and Jingles mistaken
                                                    for stangecoach bandits
Apr 20, 1953  M       Buckshot's Victory            R:#55, 2-22-52
Apr 22, 1953  W  148  Trail to Dead Rock            Battle over water rights
Apr 24, 1953  F  149  Trail of the Killer Wolf      After a calf-killing wolf
Apr 27, 1953  M       Flame Riders                  R:#56, 2-27-52
Apr 29, 1953  W  150  One Man Rule                  Woman publisher is being
May 1, 1953   F  151  Dead Heat
May 4, 1953   M       Fightin' the Bits             R:#57, 2-29-52
May 6, 1953   W  152  Cash in Bat Wing Cave         Two gangs fight over running
                                                    guns to the Indians
May 8, 1953   F  153  Half Pint Outlaw              Man runs two deputy sheriffs
                                                    off his ranch
May 11, 1953  M       Phantom of the Gold Circle    R:#58, 3-5-52
May 13, 1953  W  154  Wild Bill's New Deputy        14 year old knows where Duke
                                                    is hiding
May 15, 1953  F  155  Grandpa Rides Again           Retired sheriff goes after
                                                    bank robbers
May 18, 1953  M       Thunder on the Plains         R:#59, 3-7-52
May 20, 1953  W  156  Ten Minute Mayor              Mayor who has been in office
                                                    only 10 min. is killed
May 22, 1953  F  157  One Fresh Onion               Cattle ranchers don't want
                                                    farmers on their range
May 25, 1953  M       Big John and Little Mike      R:#60, 3-12-52
May 27, 1953  W  158  Little Lady in Distress       Little girl runs away
May 29, 1953  F  159  Day of Danger                 Visiting ranch, boys hear
                                                    about some cattle rustlers
Jun 1, 1953   M       Death at Sunset Trail         R:#61, 3-14-52
Jun 3, 1953   W  160  Whining Arrow                 Land grabbers are after
                                                    Indian lands
Jun 5, 1953   F  161  Battle of Buzzard Lake        Gunfight with desperados
Jun 8, 1953   M       Battle of Bear Creek          R:#62, 3-19-52
Jun 10, 1953  W  162  Little Dude                   Thad Morgan's afraid, asks
                                                    Bill for help
Jun 12, 1953  F  163  Rocks of Rawhide Canyon       Plan for stealing gold
Jun 15, 1953  M       Pettigrew's Prize Pig         R:#63, 3-21-52
Jun 17, 1953  W  164  Fabulous Wind Wagon           Jingles invents a wagon
                                                    propelled by a windmill
Jun 19, 1953  F  165  River of Death                Bill and Jingles plan to
                                                    shoot the rapids

Sep 14, 1953  M       Jokes and Gunsmoke            R:#64, 3-26-52
Sep 16, 1953  W  166  Teller's Gold                 After men who stole deeds
                                                    to vaulable railroad land
Sep 18, 1953  F  167  Dirty Shirt                   Jingles invents washing
Sep 21, 1953  M       Wild Miller of Peyute Falls   R:#65, 3-28-52
Sep 23, 1953  W  168  Red Skull                     Red Skull is behind Wells
                                                    Fargo robberies
Sep 25, 1953  F  169  Green Valley Feud             Ranchers vs. farmers
Sep 28, 1953  M       Shot in the Dark              R:#66, 4-2-52
Sep 30, 1953  W  170  Daylight Dan                  The boys are after wily bank
Oct 2, 1953   F  171  Land Office Business          Claim jumpers and gold rush
Oct 5, 1953   M       Rescue at Salvation Springs   R:#67, 4-4-52
Oct 7, 1953   W  172  Lucky Stampede                Mysterious killings at Cap
                                                    Curry's Horse Ranch
Oct 9, 1953   F  173  Thunder Cloud                 Indians on the war path
Oct 12, 1953  M       Monstrous Toothache           R:#68, 4-9-52
Oct 14, 1953  W  174  House on Windy Hill           After Lodi, a slick smart
Oct 16, 1953  F  175  Aunt Sarah's Gunfight         Gun-toting old lady
Oct 19, 1953  M       Thunder and Lightning         R:#69, 4-11-52
Oct 21, 1953  W  176  Gundown Tunnel                Man plots to get Jingles
                                                    and Bill to kill each other
Oct 23, 1953  F  177  Trap for Wild Bill            Murderous trap is set
Oct 26, 1953  M       Snap for Snooper              R:#70, 4-16-52
Oct 28, 1953  W  178  Riverboat to St. Joe          Two riverboat captains fight
                                                    over rights to carry freight
Oct 30, 1953  F  179  Shotgun Gang                  Varmints are out to gun down
                                                    the boys using shot guns
Nov 2, 1953   M       Secret of Sandy Hook          R:#71, 4-18-52
Nov 4, 1953   W  180  Tuscon Terror                 Boys meet the Tuscon Terror,
                                                    a little boy, on a train
Nov 6, 1953   F  181  Dangerous Round-Up            Tangling with a mean herd of
                                                    long horns
Nov 9, 1953   M       Deadlock at Silver Site       R:#72, 4-23-52
Nov 11, 1953  W  182  Poison for Wild Bill Hickok   Bill  served posioned beans
Nov 13, 1953  F  183  Pedro the Poet                Black Barney is looking for
                                                    Wild Bill
Nov 16, 1953  M       Bullets at the Silver Bell    R:#73, 4-25-52
Nov 18, 1953  W  184  Six-Gun Thunder               Freight wagon robberies
Nov 20, 1953  F  185  Bullets at Iron Mountain      Outlaws take over a town
Nov 23, 1953  M       Hornet's Nest                 R:#74, 4-30-52
Nov 25, 1953  W  186  High Tone Stranger            Stranger is asked to run
                                                    Bill out of town
Nov 27, 1953  F  187  Two Little Buckaroos          Jingles &  Bill rescue young
                                                    kids who try to file a claim
Nov 30, 1953  M       Jingles, the Ladies Man       R:#75, 5-2-52
Dec 2, 1953   W  188  Double Action Danger          Jingles gets kidnapped
Dec 4, 1953   F  189  Hermit of Split Rock Canyon   Deadly events after the boys
                                                    meet the hermit
Dec 7, 1953   M       Black Canyon Gang             R:#76, 5-7-52
Dec 9, 1953   W  190  Silk Hat Hogan's Donkey       Pickpockets at a fair
Dec 11, 1953  F  191  Red Sands of Danger
Dec 14, 1953  M       Alkali Justice                R:#77, 5-9-52
Dec 16, 1953  W  192  No Beard's Treasure           Big man in town fights over
                                                    an Indian boy's horse
Dec 18, 1953  F  193  Seven Silver Bullets          Silver bullets are used to
Dec 21, 1953  M       Two Plus Two                  R:#78, 5-14-52
Dec 23, 1953  W  194  Tangled Rope                  How can a slick outlaw be in
                                                    two places at once?
Dec 25, 1953  F  195  Santa Claus Trail
Dec 28, 1953  M       Champion of Farro Flats       R:#79, 5-16-52
Dec 30, 1953  W  196  Walking Double X              Mistaken for outlaws
Jan 1, 1954   F  197  Party in Gunpowder Pass
Jan 4, 1954   M       Bandits of Badwater County    R:#80, 5-21-52
Jan 6, 1954   W  198  Gunsmoke Blockade             Gunfighters block the com-
                                                    pletion of a railroad
Jan 8, 1954   F  199  Bad Medicine                  Traveling medicine show and
                                                    mess of trouble
Jan 11, 1954  M       Shotgun Swindlers             R:#81, 5-23-52
Jan 13, 1954  W  200  Boot Hill Special             Two men rob & kill rich old
                                                    men only on stormy nights
Jan 15, 1954  F  201  Bullets in the Blizzard       During a blizzard the boys
                                                    find refuge in a cabin
Jan 18, 1954  M       Sting of the Rawhide Whip     R:#82, 5-28-52
Jan 20, 1954  W  202  Tuffy Tombstone               Phony desperado, Tuffy
Jan 22, 1954  F  203  Phantom of Gun Valley         Deadly danger leads to a
                                                    trail of bewildering mystery
Jan 25, 1954  M       Whine of a Saw                R:#83, 5-30-52
Jan 27, 1954  W  204  Eight Hundred Feet Down       Jingle and Bill fight for
                                                    their lives inside a mine
Jan 29, 1954  F  205  Case of the Deadman's Dollar  Jingles turns detective
Feb 1, 1954   M       Duquesne Revenge              R:#84, 6-4-52
Feb 3, 1954   W  206  Twenty Dollar Rainstorm       $20 bills are falling from
                                                    the skies
Feb 5, 1954   F  207  Grandpa's Gold Mine*
Feb 8, 1954   M       Baron of the Badlands         R:#85, 6-6-52
Feb 10, 1954  W  208  Race for the Border           Triple treachery - gold,
                                                    gunsmoke and murder
Feb 12, 1954  F  209  One Wrong Bullet              Wild Bill and Jingles meet
                                                    the Panhandle Kid
Feb 15, 1954  M       Daring of Digby Dean*         R:#86, 9-10-52
Feb 17, 1954  W  210  Peter Periwinkle Jones,       Jingles' uncle comes to vist
                      Esquire                       for a laugh or two
Feb 19, 1954  F  211  Danger Down the River         Riding down Thunder River
                                                    with surveying party
Feb 22, 1954  M       Letter of Warning             R:#87, 9-12-52
Feb 24, 1954  W  212  Title unknown
Feb 26, 1954  F  213  Bullets from Nowhere          One of Bill's enemies is out
                                                    to kill him
Mar 1, 1954   M       Sunnyside Scrap*              R:#88, 9-17-52
Mar 3, 1954   W  214  Bank Books and Hot Heads      A clever frame-up
Mar 5, 1954   F  215  Blue Valley Rustlers          Rustlers
Mar 8, 1954   M       Secret of Mile High Rock      R:#89, 9-19-52
Mar 10, 1954  W  216  Buffalo Robe                  Hunters and hijackers fight
                                                    over buffalo skins
Mar 12, 1954  F  217  Guns Across the Border        Gun smuggling
Mar 15, 1954  M       Queen of the Quantrills       R:#90, 9-24-52
Mar 17, 1954  W  218  Beef Racket                   Why is Chief Big Bear chas-
                                                    ing branded cattle?
Mar 19, 1954  F  219  Big Tom, the Outlaw           Stagecoach robberies
Mar 22, 1954  M       Mayor of Mule Mesa            R:#91, 9-26-52
Mar 24, 1954  W  220  Rattler                       Rattler's gunman claims to
                                                    have killed Bill & Jingles
Mar 26, 1954  F  221  Fury of the Wind              Duke Reagan hires a killer
                                                    to gun down Bill and Jingles
Mar 29, 1954  M       Vicious Joke                  R:#92, 10-1-52
Mar 31, 1954  W  222  Pop Skinner's Green Dragon    Jingles joins Pop's volun-
                                                    teer fire department
Apr 2, 1954   F  223  Trigger Money                 The sheriff is gunned down -
                                                    why? who?
Apr 5, 1954   M       Wolf of Ghost Mountain        R:#93, 10-3-52
Apr 7, 1954   W  224  Sheriff Sadie Blake           2 men are after incriminat-
                                                    ing letter held by Sadie
Apr 9, 1954   F  225  Wires to the West             Who is preventing men from
                                                    stringing telegraph wires?
Apr 12, 1954  M       Jingles' Birthday Party       R:#94, 10-8-52
Apr 14, 1954  W  226  Livin' Lightning              Owner of stagecoach line is
Apr 16, 1954  F  227  Title unknown
Apr 19, 1954  M       One More to Get               R:#95, 10-10-52
Apr 21, 1954  W  228  High Pressure Killers         Hydraulic gold mining is
                                                    ruining farmlands
Apr 23, 1954  F  229  Trigger Treachery             Jingles and Bill hire out as
                                                    cowboys to catch rustlers
Apr 26, 1954  M       Secret of the Iron Door       R:#96, 10-15-52
Apr 28, 1954  W  230  Missing Reporter              Playing nursemaid to a dude
Apr 30, 1954  F  231  Grandpa and the Dynamite      Two men dynamite a mine with
                                                    a young boy inside
May 3, 1954   M       Terrible Cook                 R:#97, 10-17-52
May 5, 1954   W  232  Telltale Scar                 Miss Petty thinks she's
                                                    spotted a wanted jewel thief
May 7, 1954   F  233  Little Man with the Gun       Bill and Jingles are sent to
                                                    arrest a 12 year old
May 10, 1954  M       Mark of the Claw              R:#98, 10-22-52
May 12, 1954  W  234  Log Thief                     Spine-chilling fight with a
                                                    log thief
May 14, 1954  F  235  Dangerous Advice              Professor gives Bill and
                                                    Jingles bad advice
May 17, 1954  M       Dangerous Vacation            R:#99, 10-24-52
May 19, 1954  W  236  Rimrock Rainmaker             Drought and a fake rainmaker
May 21, 1954  F  237  Stone Valley Sheep War        Cowboys vs. sheepmen
May 24, 1954  M       Jaws of the Law               R:#100, 10-29-52
May 26, 1954  W  238  Long Shadow                   Vicious criminal casts a
                                                    long shadow
May 28, 1954  F  239  Frozen Desert                 In the middle of a desert, a
                                                    cave of ice
May 31, 1954  M       Trap at Pistol Springs        R:#101, 10-31-52
Jun 2, 1954   W  240  Hoodoo of Fiddler's Bend      Placer miners being robbed
                                                    and killed
Jun 4, 1954   F  241  Lanky Joe                     Bill and Jingles try to
                                                    bring him back to jail

It would appear that there was a summer series between June 4 and Oct 18. The
exact dates and titles of shows were not determined. It seems logical that the
programs repeated were numbers 102 through 118.

Oct 18, 1954  M       Jingles Settles Down          R:#119, 1-2-53

Oct 20, 1954  W  242  Trail of the Cougar           After cougar that is killing
Oct 22, 1954  F  243  Satan at the Circus           Man-eating lion at a wild
                                                    animal circus
Oct 25, 1954  M  244  Monster in the Cave           Bill finds map that shows
                                                    where some stuff is hidden
Oct 27, 1954  W  245  Jingles' Amazing Memory

Oct 29, 1954  F  246  Runaway Buckboard             Fight over a waterhole leads
                                                    to a runaway buckboard
Nov 1, 1954   M  247  Bellson Boys                  Two men rob a ranch house;
                                                    kill one of the occupants
Nov 3, 1954   W  248  Ride to Crossbone Valley      Valley with no law is a
                                                    hideout for ciminals
Nov 5, 1954   F  249  Red Measles and Black Death   Illness and a killer cat
Nov 8, 1954   M  250  Highest Bidder                Bill and Jingles follow
                                                    killer to an auction
Nov 10, 1954  W  251  Rustlers' Reckoning           A last ditch stand against
                                                    cattle rustlers
Nov 12, 1954  F  252  Old Home Town                 Jingles takes a vacation at
                                                    his grandmother's house
Nov 15, 1954  M  253  Grandpa Granger's Train Ride  Grandpa needed as a witness
                                                    to a holdup
Nov 17, 1954  W  254  Honest Swindler               Jingles buys stock in a gold
Nov 19, 1954  F  255  Message from the Sun          Mistaken for stagecoach
                                                    hholdup robbers
Nov 22, 1954  M  256  Timber Trail                  Hard luck and "accidents"
                                                    for lumberjacks
Nov 24, 1954  W  257  Wild Bill's Birthday          Jingles plans a surprise
                                                    party for Bill
Nov 26, 1954  F  258  Shadow of Hangman's Tree      People are being shot from
Nov 29, 1954  M  259  Born Mean                     Rat-faced Weezy Keeler goes
                                                    against a dirt farmer
Dec 1, 1954   W  260  Six-Gun Serenade              Jingles wants to become an
                                                    opera singer
Dec 3, 1954   F  261  Deadlocked at Big Run         Race to stake a claim on
                                                    choice land
Dec 6, 1954   M  262  Gunsmoke at the Triple X      Prospector finds gold on
                                                    Uncle Joe's ranch
Dec 8, 1954   W  263  Return of the Phantom         No one who ever saw him
                                                    lived to tell about it
Dec 10, 1954  F  264  Two-Way Ticket                The men at an Army fort
                                                    aren't getting any beef
Dec 13, 1954  M  265  Mighty Dangerous Laughter     Political campaign almost
                                                    turns into a war
Dec 15, 1954  W  266  .35 Caliber Killer            Tangling with Silk Travers,
Dec 17, 1954  F  267  Miss Petty's Predicament      She gets kidnapped
Dec 20, 1954  M  268  Rocks of Black Hill           Young girl is looking
                                                    for her grandfather
Dec 22, 1954  W  269  Ridin' for a Fall             After two treacherous
Dec 24, 1954  F  270  Shiny Silver Star             Little boy's Christmas
                                                    wishes for a certain tree
Dec 27, 1954  M  271  Silver Dollar Revenge         Counterfeit silver dollars
Dec 29, 1954  W  272  Short Cut to Danger           Jingles takes a part-time
                                                    job as a newspaper reporter
Dec 31, 1954  F  273  Happy New Year (last show in  Man is robbed of money in-
                      series)                       tended for  new school house

Below is an alphabetical listing for the series, showing original air dates,
repeat dates and series numbers. Repeated episodes are not numbered.

   TITLE                          DATE          NO.

.35 Caliber Killer               Dec 15, 1954    266
Alkali Justice                   May 9, 1952     77
Alkali Justice                   Dec 14, 1953
An Outlaw's Revenge              Jan 21, 1952
Aunt Sarah's Gunfight            Oct 16, 1953    175
Bad Medicine                     Jan 8, 1954     199
Bad Medicine at Dry Gulch        Nov 28, 1951    31
Bad Medicine at Dry Gulch        Oct 27, 1952
Bandits of Badwater County       May 21, 1952    80
Bandits of Badwater County       Jan 4, 1954
Bank Books and Hot Heads         Mar 3, 1954     214
Baron of the Badlands            Jun 6, 1952     85
Baron of the Badlands            Feb 8, 1954
Battle at Bear Creek             Mar 19, 1952    62
Battle of Bear Creek             Jun 8, 1953
Battle of Buzzard Lake           Jun 5, 1953     161
Beef Racket                      Mar 17, 1954    218
Bellson Boys                     Nov 1, 1954     247
Big Cleanup                      Apr 15, 1953    146
Big John and Little Mike         Mar 12, 1952    60
Big John and Little Mike         May 25, 1953
Big Tom, the Outlaw              Mar 19, 1954    219
Big Welcome at Shady Rest        Feb 27, 1953    134
Black Canyon Gang                May 7, 1952     76
Black Canyon Gang                Dec 7, 1953
Blind Trail                      Nov 14, 1951    27
Blind Trail                      Sep 29, 1952
Blood Money                      Jan 30, 1953    126
Blue Valley Rustlers             Mar 5, 1954     215
Boot Hill Special                Jan 13, 1954    200
Born Mean                        Nov 29, 1954    259
Broken Wheel Grade               Apr 8, 1953     144
Buckshot's Victory               Feb 22, 1952    55
Buckshot's Victory               Apr 20, 1953
Buffalo Robe                     Mar 10, 1954    216
Bullets at Iron Mountain         Nov 20, 1953    185
Bullets at the Silver Bell       Apr 25, 1952    73
Bullets at the Silver Bell       Nov 16, 1953
Bullets from Nowhere             Feb 26, 1954    213
Bullets in the Blizzard          Jan 15, 1954    201
Capture of Trader Joe            Feb 4, 1953     127
Carnival of Danger               Mar 27, 1953    141
Case of the Deadman's Dollar     Jan 29, 1954    205
Case of the Unlucky Seven        Jun 10, 1951     3
Case of the Unlucky Seven        Jan 14, 1952
Cash in Bat Wing Cave            May 6, 1953     152
Cave-in at Careful Smith's Mine  Jul 1, 1951      6
Cave-in at Careful Smith's Mine  Feb 4, 1952
Challenge of Sentinel Ridge      Dec 14, 1951    36
Challenge of Sentinel Ridge      Dec 1, 1952
Champion of Farro Flats          May 16, 1952    79
Champion of Farro Flats          Dec 28, 1953
Charge on Devil's Mountain       Jul 15, 1951     8
Charge on Devil's Mountain       Feb 18, 1952
Circle of Death                  Dec 19, 1952    115
Colorado Killer                  Feb 6, 1953     128
Confidence Man                   Aug 5, 1951     11
Confidence Man                   Mar 10, 1952
Coyote Kid's Return              Apr 3, 1953     143
Cry of a Killer                  Mar 25, 1953    140
Danger Down the River            Feb 19, 1954    211
Dangerous Advice                 May 14, 1954    235
Dangerous Round-Up               Nov 6, 1953     181
Dangerous Vacation               Oct 24, 1952    99
Dangerous Vacation               May 17, 1954
Dangerous Wedding                Sep 23, 1951    18
Dangerous Wedding                Apr 28, 1952
Danny's Big Ride                 Jan 16, 1953    122
Daring of Digby Dean             Sep 10, 1952    86
Daring of Digby Dean             Feb 15, 1954
Dark Horse Candidate             Jan 30, 1952    48
Dark Horse Candidate             Feb 23, 1953
Day of Danger                    May 29, 1953    159
Daylight Dan                     Sep 30, 1953    170
Dead Heat                        May 1, 1953     151
Dead of Winter                   Jan 2, 1952     40
Dead of Winter                   Dec 31, 1952
Deadlock at Silver Site          Apr 23, 1952    72
Deadlock at Silver Site          Nov 9, 1953
Deadlocked at Big Run            Dec 3, 1954     261
Death at Sunset Trail            Mar 14, 1952    61
Death at Sunset Trail            Jun 1, 1953
Death on the Desert              Feb 20, 1953    132
Delta Belle Hijack               Dec 17, 1952    114
Dirty Shirt                      Sep 18, 1953    167
Dodge City or Bust               Mar 20, 1953    139
Double Action Danger             Dec 2, 1953     188
Duquesne Revenge                 Jun 4, 1952     84
Duquesne Revenge                 Feb 1, 1954
Eight Hundred Feet Down          Jan 27, 1954    204
Fabulous Wind Wagon              Jun 17, 1953    164
Fightin' the Bits                Feb 29, 1952    57
Fightin' the Bits                May 4, 1953
First show; no title given       May 27, 1951     1
First show; no title given       Dec 31, 1951
Five Deadly Double Eagles        Nov 23, 1951    30
Five Deadly Double Eagles        Oct 20, 1952
Flame Riders                     Feb 27, 1952    56
Flame Riders                     Apr 27, 1953
Forged Fire                      Jan 16, 1952    44
Forged Fire                      Jan 26, 1953
Four Aces for Death              Oct 14, 1951    21
Four Aces for Death              May 19, 1952
Frozen Desert                    May 28, 1954    239
Fury of Savage River             Sep 30, 1951    19
Fury of Savage River             May 5, 1952
Fury of the Wind                 Mar 26, 1954    221
Ghost Town Gold                  Apr 7, 1952
Gold Maker                       Dec 7, 1951     34
Gold Maker                       Nov 17, 1952
Grandpa and the Dynamite         Apr 30, 1954    231
Grandpa Granger's Train Ride     Nov 15, 1954    253
Grandpa Rides Again              May 15, 1953    155
Grandpa's Gold Mine              Feb 5, 1954     207
Grass Valley Swindle             Feb 18, 1953    131
Green Valley Feud                Sep 25, 1953    169
Gun Belt Treasure                Mar 4, 1953     135
Gundown Tunnel                   Oct 21, 1953    176
Gunman's Brand                   Nov 7, 1952     103
Guns Across the Border           Mar 12, 1954    217
Guns of Grandpa Granger          Jan 28, 1953    125
Gunsmoke and Violet              Feb 20, 1952    54
Gunsmoke and Violet              Apr 13, 1953
Gunsmoke at the Triple X         Dec 6, 1954     262
Gunsmoke Blockade                Jan 6, 1954     198
Gunsmoke Pass                    Feb 1, 1952     49
Gunsmoke Pass                    Mar 2, 1953
Half Pint Outlaw                 May 8, 1953     153
Hand of Death                    Mar 13, 1953    137
Hang Town Jail                   Nov 21, 1952    107
Happy New Year                   Dec 31, 1954    273
Hermit of Split Rock Canyon      Dec 4, 1953     189
High Pressure Killers            Apr 21, 1954    228
High Tone Stranger               Nov 25, 1953    186
Highest Bidder                   Nov 8, 1954     250
Honest Swindler                  Nov 17, 1954    254
Hoodoo of Fiddler's Bend         Jun 2, 1954     240
Hornet's Nest                    Apr 30, 1952    74
Hornet's Nest                    Nov 23, 1953
House on Windy Hill              Oct 14, 1953    174
Jaws of the Law                  Oct 29, 1952    100
Jaws of the Law                  May 24, 1954
Jingles Settles Down             Jan 2, 1953     119
Jingles Settles Down             Oct 18, 1954
Jingles to the Rescue            Apr 1, 1953     142
Jingles' Amazing Memory          Oct 27, 1954    245
Jingles' Birthday Party          Oct 8, 1952     94
Jingles' Birthday Party          Apr 12, 1954
Jingles, the Ladies Man          May 2, 1952     75
Jingles, the Ladies Man          Nov 30, 1953
Joke Book Bandits                Dec 12, 1952    113
Jokes and Gunsmoke               Mar 26, 1952    64
Jokes and Gunsmoke               Sep 14, 1953
Killer of Candy Flat             Mar 11, 1953    136
Killer Whip                      Nov 9, 1951     26
Killer Whip                      Sep 22, 1952
Land Office Business             Oct 2, 1953     171
Lanky Joe                        Jun 4, 1954     241
Legacy of Death                  Jan 4, 1952     41
Legacy of Death                  Jan 5, 1953
Letter of Warning                Sep 12, 1952    87
Letter of Warning                Feb 22, 1954
Little Dude                      Jun 10, 1953    162
Little Lady in Distress          May 27, 1953    158
Little Man with the Gun          May 7, 1954     233
Livin' Lightning                 Apr 14, 1954    226
Log Thief                        May 12, 1954    234
Long Shadow                      May 26, 1954    238
Lucky Stampede                   Oct 7, 1953     172
Mad Men of Moon Mountain         Nov 5, 1952     102
Man Who Didn't Come Back         Nov 16, 1951    28
Man Who Didn't Come Back         Oct 6, 1952
Mark of a Killer                 Jan 25, 1952    47
Mark of a Killer                 Feb 16, 1953
Mark of the Claw                 Oct 22, 1952    98
Mark of the Claw                 May 10, 1954
Mayor of Mule Mesa               Sep 26, 1952    91
Mayor of Mule Mesa               Mar 22, 1954
Message from the Sun             Nov 19, 1954    255
Mighty Dangerous Laughter        Dec 13, 1954    265
Miss Petty's Predicament         Dec 17, 1954    267
Missing Reporter                 Apr 28, 1954    230
Mission in Almagordo             Nov 21, 1951    29
Mission in Almagordo             Oct 13, 1952
Missouri Kid                     Jun 3, 1951      2
Missouri Kid                     Jan 7, 1952
Mixed Brands                     Oct 7, 1951     20
Mixed Brands                     May 12, 1952
Monster in the Cave              Oct 25, 1954    244
Monstrous Toothache              Apr 9, 1952     68
Monstrous Toothache              Oct 12, 1953
Mysterious Bell Ringer           Feb 15, 1952    53
Mysterious Bell Ringer           Apr 6, 1953
Mystery Fist                     Oct 21, 1951    22
Mystery Fist                     May 26, 1952
Mystery of Ghost Town Gold       Sep 2, 1951     15
No Beard's Treasure              Dec 16, 1953    192
No Broadcast                     Jan 7, 1953
No Broadcast                     Mar 6, 1953
No Broadcast                     Mar 16, 1953
Old Home Town                    Nov 12, 1954    252
Old Red's Revenge                Nov 19, 1952    106
Old Wyatt Foster's Secret        Dec 19, 1951    37
Old Wyatt Foster's Secret        Dec 8, 1952
One Fresh Onion                  May 22, 1953    157
One Man Rule                     Apr 29, 1953    150
One More to Get                  Oct 10, 1952    95
One More to Get                  Apr 19, 1954
One Wrong Bullet                 Feb 12, 1954    209
Outlaw's Bargain                 Jul 8, 1951      7
Outlaw's Bargain                 Feb 11, 1952
Outlaw's Revenge                 Jun 17, 1951     4
Party in Gunpowder Pass          Jan 1, 1954     197
Pedro the Poet                   Nov 13, 1953    183
Peter Periwinkle Jones, Esquire  Feb 17, 1954    210
Pettigrew's Prize Pig            Mar 21, 1952    63
Pettigrew's Prize Pig            Jun 15, 1953
Phantom of Gun Valley            Jan 22, 1954    203
Phantom of the Gold Circle       Mar 5, 1952     58
Phantom of the Gold Circle       May 11, 1953
Phantom Rustlers                 Feb 13, 1953    130
Poison for Wild Bill Hickok      Nov 11, 1953    182
Pop Skinner's Green Dragon       Mar 31, 1954    222
Press for Justice                Aug 12, 1951    12
Press for Justice                Mar 17, 1952
Queen of the Quantrills          Sep 24, 1952    90
Queen of the Quantrills          Mar 15, 1954
Race for the Border              Feb 10, 1954    208
Range War                        Oct 28, 1951    23
Range War                        Jun 2, 1952
Rattler                          Mar 24, 1954    220
Red Measles and Black Death      Nov 5, 1954     249
Red River Mutiny                 Nov 26, 1952    108
Red Sands of Danger              Dec 11, 1953    191
Red Skull                        Sep 23, 1953    168
Red Trunk Riddle                 Dec 12, 1951    35
Red Trunk Riddle                 Nov 24, 1952
Red Wagon Jinx                   Jun 24, 1951     5
Red Wagon Jinx                   Jan 28, 1942
Rescue at Salvation Springs      Apr 4, 1952     67
Rescue at Salvation Springs      Oct 5, 1953
Return of the Phantom            Dec 8, 1954     263
Revenge of the Redman            Jan 23, 1952    46
Revenge of the Redman            Feb 9, 1953
Ride to Crossbone Valley         Nov 3, 1954     248
Ridin' for a Fall                Dec 22, 1954    269
Rimrock Rainmaker                May 19, 1954    236
River of Death                   Jun 19, 1953    165
Riverboat Killers                Feb 13, 1952    52
Riverboat Killers                Mar 30, 1953
Riverboat to St. Joe             Oct 28, 1953    178
Road Agents at Red Rock          Jul 22, 1951     8
Road Agents at Red Rock          Feb 25, 1952
Rocks of Black Hill              Dec 20, 1954    268
Rocks of Rawhide Canyon          Jun 12, 1953    163
Ruins of Black Canyon            Dec 26, 1952    117
Runaway Buckboard                Oct 29, 1954    246
Rustlers of Rattlesnake Bend     Dec 22, 1952    116
Rustlers' Reckoning              Nov 10, 1954    251
Santa Claus Trail                Dec 25, 1953    195
Satan at the Circus              Oct 22, 1954    243
Secret of Hard Luck Mine         Jan 18, 1952    45
Secret of Hard Luck Mine         Feb 2, 1953
Secret of Mile High Rock         Sep 19, 1952    89
Secret of Mile High Rock         Mar 8, 1954
Secret of Sandy Hook             Apr 18, 1952    71
Secret of Sandy Hook             Nov 2, 1953
Secret of the Iron Door          Oct 15, 1952    96
Secret of the Iron Door          Apr 26, 1954
Seven Silver Bullets             Dec 18, 1953    193
Shadow Hills Gang                Jul 29, 1951    10
Shadow Hills Gang                Mar 3, 1952
Shadow of Hangman's Tree         Nov 26, 1954    258
Shawnee Raid                     Jan 11, 1952    43
Shawnee Raid                     Jan 19, 1953
Sheriff Sadie Blake              Apr 7, 1954     224
Shiny Silver Star                Dec 24, 1954    270
Short Cut to Danger              Dec 29, 1954    272
Shot in the Dark                 Apr 2, 1952     66
Shot in the Dark                 Sep 28, 1953
Shotgun Gang                     Oct 30, 1953    179
Shotgun Swindler                 May 23, 1952    81
Shotgun Swindler                 Jan 11, 1954
Silk Hat Hogan's Donkey          Dec 9, 1953     190
Silver Dollar Revenge            Dec 27, 1954    271
Sir Tommy, the Silver Knight     Dec 24, 1951    39
Sir Tommy, the Silver Knight     Dec 24, 1952
Six-Gun Serenade                 Dec 1, 1954     260
Six-Gun Thunder                  Nov 18, 1953    184
Snap for Snooper                 Apr 16, 1952    70
Snap for Snooper                 Oct 26, 1953
Sting of the Rawhide Whip        May 28, 1952    82
Sting of the Rawhide Whip        Jan 18, 1954
Stone Valley Sheep War           May 21, 1954    237
Strange Secret of Arroyo Diablo  Aug 26, 1951    14
Strange Secret of Arroyo Diablo  Mar 31, 1952
Stranger                         Dec 29, 1952    118
Struggle for the Main Divide     Mar 18, 1953    138
Sunnyside Scrap                  Sep 17, 1952    88
Sunnyside Scrap                  Mar 1, 1954
Tangled Rope                     Dec 23, 1953    194
Tarnished Gold                   Apr 10, 1953    145
Teller's Gold                    Sep 16, 1953    166
Telltale Scar                    May 5, 1954     232
Ten Minute Mayor                 May 20, 1953    156
Terrible Cook                    Oct 17, 1952    97
Terrible Cook                    May 3, 1954
Thunder and Lightning            Apr 11, 1952    69
Thunder and Lightning            Oct 19, 1953
Thunder Cloud                    Oct 9, 1953     173
Thunder on the Plains            Mar 7, 1952     59
Thunder on the Plains            May 18, 1953
Timber Trail                     Nov 22, 1954    256
Timber Trouble                   Dec 5, 1952     111
Timothy Dolan's Last Stand       Feb 25, 1953    133
Tinker's Revenge                 Nov 28, 1952    109
Title unknown                    Nov 4, 1951     24
Title unknown                    Sep 8, 1952
Title unknown                    Feb 24, 1954    212
Title unknown                    Apr 16, 1954    227
Trail Herd Trouble               Sep 16, 1951    17
Trail Herd Trouble               Apr 21, 1952
Trail of Death                   Sep 9, 1951     16
Trail of Death                   Apr 14, 1952
Trail of the Cougar              Dec 10, 1952    112
Trail of the Cougar              Oct 20, 1954
Trail of the Grizzly Bear        Feb 11, 1953    129
Trail of the Killer Wolf         Apr 24, 1953    149
Trail of Vengeance               Feb 6, 1952     50
Trail of Vengeance               Mar 9, 1953
Trail to Dead Rock               Apr 22, 1953    148
Trap at Pistol Springs           Oct 31, 1952    101
Trap at Pistol Springs           May 31, 1954
Trap for Wild Bill               Oct 23, 1953    177
Treasure Map War                 Nov 14, 1952    105
Treasure of Old No. 9            Feb 8, 1952     51
Treasure of Old No. 9            Mar 23, 1953
Trigger Money                    Apr 2, 1954     223
Trigger Treachery                Apr 23, 1954    229
Tuffy Tombstone                  Jan 20, 1954    202
Tuscon Terror                    Nov 4, 1953     180
Twenty Dollar Rainstorm          Feb 3, 1954     206
Two Gun Justice                  Jan 9, 1953     120
Two Little Buckaroos             Nov 27, 1953    187
Two Plus Two                     May 14, 1952    78
Two Plus Two                     Dec 21, 1953
Two-Faced Horny Toad             Jan 9, 1952     42
Two-Faced Horny Toad             Jan 12, 1953
Two-Way Ticket                   Dec 10, 1954    264
Vengeance Trail                  Nov 30, 1951    32
Vengeance Trail                  Nov 3, 1952
Vicious Joke                     Oct 1, 1952     92
Vicious Joke                     Mar 29, 1954
Voice in Hawkins' Well           Jan 23, 1953    124
Voice of Echo Canyon             Dec 5, 1951     33
Voice of Echo Canyon             Nov 10, 1952
Wagon Train to Tombstone         Jan 14, 1953    121
Walking Double X                 Dec 30, 1953    196
War Drums and the Princess       Dec 3, 1952     110
Warpath or Peace                 Aug 19, 1951    13
Warpath or Peace                 Mar 24, 1952
Wheels of Doom                   Dec 21, 1951    38
Wheels of Doom                   Dec 15, 1952
Whine of a Saw                   May 30, 1952    83
Whine of a Saw                   Jan 25, 1954
Whining Arrow                    Jun 3, 1953     160
White Fury                       Nov 7, 1951     25
White Fury                       Sep 15, 1952
Wild Bill's Birthday             Nov 24, 1954    257
Wild Bill's Double Trouble       Nov 12, 1952    104
Wild Bill's New Deputy           May 13, 1953    154
Wild Horse Mesa                  Apr 17, 1953    147
Wild Miller of Peyute Falls      Mar 28, 1952    65
Wild Miller of Peyute Falls      Sep 21, 1953
Windmill on the River            Jan 21, 1953    123
Wires to the West                Apr 9, 1954     225
Wolf of Ghost Mountain           Oct 3, 1952     93
Wolf of Ghost Mountain           Apr 5, 1954

The Original Old Time Radio (OTR) WWW Pages
Copyright © 1994- Louis V. Genco

INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 19:04:23 Sep 02, 2024