W A R O F T H E W O R L D S ----- --- ----- ----------- 1967 BBC Version First Show: 09 Jun, 1967 Last Show: 14 Jul, 1967 Number Shows: 6 Audition Show: none Series Description: The most well-known radio show of all time is THE MERCURY THEATER OF THE AIR presentation of "War of the Worlds" directed by Orsen Welles, scripted by Howard Koch. This H. G. Wells classic science fiction story may also be one of the most-often dramatized work on radio. Besides Welles' October 30, 1938 rendering, there is: * a 1957 Australian version (in 6 30-minute episodes), * a 1955 Lux Radio Theater adaptation of George Pal's film (1 hour), * a 1961 West Coast version centered on San Francisco (1 hour), * a 1957 South African version (in 30-minute episodes), * a 1964 WPEN, Portland OR. re-enactment of the Koch script, * a 1968 WKBW, Buffalo, NY re-make of the Koch script, and numerous others. There are others plus a couple of readings done on radio. The British Broadcasting Corporation presented there version first in 1950 and again in 1967, both times as a series of 6 30-minute episodes. The 1950 version is not believed to have survived. The 1967 version has survived. It places the action in 1967 but stays close to H.G. Wells' original. Portraying it in 6 30-minute episodes offers ample oppurtunity to develop characters and plots. Sound effects and acting are first rate, making it an enjoyable listen. The only flaw is that most copies available are not of pristine quality. In 1995, the 1968 series aired over National Public Radio stations in the US, so it should be available in good quality audio. If you've only heard the Orsen Wells version, you owe it to yourself to try this one. It's one of the BBC's better science fiction dramas. Chronological Log: Date Day Num Title ------------ --- --- ----------------------- 09 Jun, 1967 Fri 1 "The Red Planet" 16 Jun, 1967 Fri 2 "The First Deaths" 23 Jun, 1967 Fri 3 "The Fighting Machines" 30 Jun, 1967 Fri 4 "The Black Smoke" 07 Jul, 1967 Fri 5 "The Red Weed" 14 Jul, 1967 Fri 6 "Conclusion" Last Update: Aug 08, 2005 This log is informational only and does not imply that I have these shows for trade or sale. The shows are still protected under copyright law and should be obtained only from authorized dealers. The log may be freely reproduced and published on a no-profit basis. Please send error corrections or additional information to Frank M. Passage, 109 Elmwood Road, Verona, NJ 07044 (email: wb2ntp@arrl.net).