CBS IS THERE & YOU ARE THERE log by Dick Judge For further information, contact the author at: CBS IS THERE, later renamed YOU ARE THERE was a completely different kind of program. CBS broke new ground when they sent "reporters" and "correspondents" into dramatized re-enactments of important historical events. There these CBS people reported on the action as it happened. They interviewed the main players along with fast, breath-taking news taking the radio audience into the eye of the storm. This log is divided into two sections: the first, a chronological listing, and the second an alphabetical one. The author of this log can be reached at - The series ran: July 7, 1947 to August 18, 1947 (7 shows) : November 6, 1947 (Special edition) (1 show) : December 7, 1947 to April 25, 1948 (20 shows) : May 2, 1948 to June 12, 1949 (52 shows) : October 30, 1949 to July 9, 1950 (10 shows) Total of 90 shows There were 27 CBS Is There programs, 1 special show and 62 You Are There - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CBS IS THERE (* indicates show NOT in circulation at this time) NO. DATE TITLE --- ------------- ------------------------------------------------ 1 Jul 7, 1947 Assassination of Abraham Lincoln; April 14, 1965 2 Jul 14, 1947 Storming of the Bastille; July 14, 1789 3 Jul 21, 1947 Columbus Discovers America; October 12, 1492 4 Jul 28, 1947 Salem Witchcraft Trials; June 29, 1692 5 Aug 4, 1947 Defeat of the Spanish Armada; July 29, 1588 6 Aug 11, 1947 Alamo; March 6, 1836 7 Aug 18, 1947 Last Day of Pompeii; August 26, 79 A.D. Summer replacement ends Series returns for one show 8 Nov 6, 1947 Listening Years; Special show honoring National Radio Week Series returns 9 Dec 7, 1947 Napolean Returns from Elba; March 7, 1815 10 Dec 14, 1947 Assassination of Abraham Lincoln; April 14, 1965 (Repeat #1) 11 Dec 21, 1947 Sailing of the Mayflower; September 6, 1620 12 Dec 28, 1947 Storming of the Bastille; July 14, 1789 (R: #2) 13 Jan 4, 1948 Salem Witchcraft Trials; June 29, 1692 (R: #4) 14 Jan 11, 1948 Aaron Burr - Alexander Hamilton Duel; July 11, 1804 15 Jan 18, 1948 Signing of the Magna Carta; June 19, 1215 16 Jan 25, 1948 Alamo; March 6, 1836 (R: #6) 17 Feb 1, 1948 Defeat of the Spanish Armada; July 29, 1588 (R:#5) 18 Feb 8, 1948 Dreyfus Case; September 18, 1899 19 Feb 15, 1948 Assassination of Julius Caesar; March 15, 44 B.C. 20 Feb 22, 1948 Battle of Gettysburg; July 3, 1863 21 Feb 29, 1948 Execution of Joan of Arc; May 30, 1431 22 Mar 7, 1948 Oklahoma Land Rush; April 22, 1889 23 Mar 14, 1948 Death of Socrates; 399 B.C. 24 Mar 21, 1948 Declaration of Independence; July 4, 1776 Mar 28, 1948 No show; program was pre-empted 25 Apr 4, 1948 Monitor and the Merrimac; March 9, 1862 26 Apr 11, 1948 Last Day of Pompeii; August 26, 79 A.D. (R:#7) 27 Apr 18, 1948 Battle of Plassey; June 22, 1757 28 Apr 25, 1948 Fall of Troy; 1184 B.C. Season ends Series returns and is renamed YOU ARE THERE 29 May 2, 1948 Surrender of Sitting Bull; July 21, 1881 30 May 9, 1948 Aaron Burr - Alexander Hamilton Duel; July 11, 1804 (R:#14) 31 May 16, 1948 Signing of the Magna Carta; June 19, 121 (R:#15) 32 May 23, 1948 Execution of Emperor Maximilian; June 19, 1867 33 May 30, 1948 Betrayal of Toussaint L'Ouverture; May 6, 1802 34 Jun 6, 1948 Battle of Hastings; October 14, 1066 35 Jun 13, 1948 Title unknown 36 Jun 20, 1948 Impeachment of Andrew Johnson; May 16, 1868 37 Jun 27, 1948 Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots; February 8, 1587 38 Jul 4, 1948 Declaration of Independence; July 4, 1776 (R:#24) Season ends Series returns 39 Aug 22, 1948 Lexington, Concord and Merriam's Corner; April 19, 1775 40 Aug 29, 1948 Execution of Joan of Arc; May 30, 1431 (R:#21) 41 Sep 5, 1948 Title unknown; very possible this or Sep 12 pre-empted 41 Sep 12, 1948 Title unknown 42 Sep 19, 1948 Ratification of the Constitution; June 25, 1788 43 Sep 26, 1948 Anne Hutchinson's Trial; Nov 7, 1637 44 Oct 3, 1948 First Battle of Bull Run; July 21, 1861 45 Oct 10, 1948 Columbus Expedition; Oct. 12, 1492 (R:#3) 46 Oct 17, 1948 Trial of Marie Antoinette; October 16, 1793 47 Oct 24, 1948 Fall of Troy; 1184 B.C. (R: CIT 28) 48 Oct 31, 1948 Election of Thomas Jefferson; February 17, 1801 49 Nov 7, 1948 Grant and Lee at Appomatox; April 9, 1865 50 Nov 14, 1948 Exile of Napolean; July 31, 1815 51* Nov 21, 1948 Hanging of Robert Emmet; September 20, 1803 52* Nov 28, 1948 Conquest of Grand Canyon; August 28, 1869 53 Dec 5, 1948 Execution of Emperor Maximilian; June 19, 1867 (R:#32) 54 Dec 12, 1948 Conspiracy of Cataline; December 5, 63 B.C. 55 Dec 19, 1948 Hanging of Capt. Kidd; May 23, 1701 56 Dec 26, 1948 Monitor and the Merrimac; March 9, 1862 (R:#25) 57 Jan 2, 1949 Surrender of Sitting Bull; July 21, 1881 (R:#29) 58 Jan 9, 1949 Sentencing of Charles I; January 27, 1649 59 Jan 16, 1949 Mutiny in the Continental Army; January 8, 1781 60 Jan 23, 1949 Betrayal of Toussaint L'Ouverture; May 6, 1802 (R:#33) 61 Jan 30, 1949 Col. Johnson Eats the Love Apple; September 26, 1820 62 Feb 6, 1949 Trial of John Peter Zenger, August 4, 1735 63 Feb 13, 1949 Battle of Hastings; October 14, 1066 (R:#34) 64 Feb 20, 1949 Fall of Savonarola; April 7, 1498 65 Feb 27, 1949 Impeachment of Andrew Johnson; May 16, 1868 (R:#36) 66 Mar 6, 1949 Alexander the Great Seeks Mastery of the World; The Peace Offer, Pt. 1; September 30, 331 B.C. 67 Mar 13, 1949 Alexander the Great Seeks Mastery of the World; Battle for Asia, Pt. 2; October 1, 331 B.C. 68 Mar 20, 1949 Alexander the Great Seeks Mastery of the World; Mutiny in India, Pt. 3; Septe,ber 326 B.C. 69 Mar 27, 1949 Oklahoma Land Rush, April 22, 1889 (R:#22) 70 Apr 3, 1949 Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots; February 8, 1587 (R:#37) 71 Apr 10, 1949 Peary's Dash to the North Pole, April 5, 1909 72 Apr 17, 1949 Napolean Returns from Elba, March 7, 1815 (R:#9) 73 Apr 24, 1949 Assassination of Julius Caesar; March 15, 44 B.C. (R:#19) 74* May 1, 1949 Montezuma and the Spaniards; June 30, 1520 75 May 8, 1949 Trial of Samuel Chase; March 1, 1805 76 May 15, 1949 Lexington, Concord and Merriam's Corners; April 19, 1775 (R:#39) 77 May 22, 1949 Bombardment of Ft. Sumter; April 12, 1861 78 May 29, 1949 Siege of Leiden; October 3, 1574 79 Jun 5, 1949 Wanted Dead or Alive: John Wilkes Booth; April 26, 1986 80* Jun 12, 1949 Caesar Crosses the Rubicon; January 10, 49 B.C. Season Ends Season begins but airs exactly once every 4 weeks for 10 more programs 81 Oct 30, 1949 Trail of Aaron Burr; September 1, 1807 82 Nov 27, 1949 Trail Run of the Tom Thumb; August 28, 1830 83 Dec 25, 1949 Crowning of Charlemagne; December 25, 800 84 Jan 22, 1950 Surrender of New Amsterdam; September 1, 1664 85 Feb 19, 1950 Charge of the Light Brigade; October 25, 1854 86 Mar 19, 1950 Stamp Act Revolt at Williamsburg; November 1, 1765 87 Apr 16, 1950 Battle of Thermopylae; August, 840, B.C. 88 May 14, 1950 Trail of William Penn; September 5, 1670 89 Jun 11, 1950 Women's Rights Convention; September 7, 1863 90 Jul 9, 1950 Boston Tea Party; December 16, 1773 End of the series * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The following is an alphabetical listing including dates of the original and repeat programs. Aaron Burr - Alexander Hamilton Duel Jan 11, 1948 Aaron Burr - Alexander Hamilton Duel (Repeat) May 9, 1948 Alamo Aug 11, 1947 Alamo (Repeat) Jan 25, 1948 Alexander the Great Seeks Mastery of the World; Part 1 Mar 6, 1949 Alexander the Great Seeks Mastery of the World; Part 2 Mar 13, 1949 Alexander the Great Seeks Mastery of the World; Part 3 Mar 20, 1949 Anne Hutchinson's Trial Sep 26, 1948 Assassination of Abraham Lincoln Jul 7, 1947 Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (Repeat) Dec 14, 1947 Assassination of Julius Caesar Feb 15, 1948 Assassination of Julius Caesar (Repeat) Apr 24, 1949 Battle of Gettysburg Feb 22, 1948 Battle of Hastings Jun 6, 1948 Battle of Hastings (Repeat) Feb 13, 1949 Battle of Plassey Apr 18, 1948 Battle of Thermopylae Apr 16, 1950 Betrayal of Toussaint L'Ouverture May 30, 1948 Betrayal of Toussaint L'Ouverture (Repeat) Jan 23, 1949 Bombardment of Ft. Sumter May 22, 1949 Boston Tea Party Jul 9, 1950 Caesar Crosses the Rubicon Jun 12, 1949 Charge of the Light Brigade Feb 19, 1950 Col. Johnson Eats the Love Apple Jan 30, 1949 Columbus Discovers America Jul 21, 1947 Columbus Discovers America (Repeat) Oct 10, 1948 Conquest of Grand Canyon Nov 28, 1948 Conspiracy of Cataline Dec 12, 1948 Crowning of Charlemagne Dec 25, 1949 Death of Socrates Mar 14, 1948 Declaration of Independence Mar 21, 1948 Declaration of Independence (Repeat) Jul 4, 1948 Defeat of the Spanish Armada Aug 4, 1947 Defeat of the Spanish Armada (Repeat) Feb 1, 1948 Dreyfus Case Feb 8, 1948 Election of Thomas Jefferson Oct 31, 1948 Execution of Emporer Maximilian May 23, 1948 Execution of Emperor Maximilian (Repeat) Dec 5, 1948 Execution of Joan of Arc; May 30, 1431 Feb 29, 1948 Execution of Joan of Arc; May 30, 1431 (Repeat) Aug 29, 1948 Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots Jun 27, 1948 Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots (Repeat) Apr 3, 1949 Exile of Napolean Nov 14, 1948 Fall of Savonarola Feb 20, 1949 Fall of Troy Apr 25, 1948 Fall of Troy (Repeat) Oct 24, 1948 First Battle of Bull Run Oct 3, 1948 Grant and Lee at Appomatox Nov 7, 1948 Hanging of Capt. Kidd Dec 19, 1948 Hanging of Robert Emmet Nov 21, 1948 Impeachment of Andrew Johnson Jun 20, 1948 Impeachment of Andrew Johnson (Repeat) Feb 27, 1949 Last Day of Pompeii Aug 18, 1947 Last Day of Pompeii (Repeat) Apr 11, 1948 Lexington, Concord and Merriam's Corner Aug 22, 1948 Lexington, Concord and Merriam's Corner (Repeat) May 15, 1949 Listening Years; Special show honoring National Radio Week Nov 6, 1947 Monitor and the Merrimac Apr 4, 1948 Monitor and the Merrimac (Repeat) Dec 26, 1948 Montezuma and the Spaniards May 1, 1949 Mutiny in the Continental Army Jan 16, 1949 Napolean Returns from Elba Dec 7, 1947 Napolean Returns from Elba (Repeat) Apr 17, 1949 Oklahoma Land Rush Mar 7, 1948 Oklahoma Land Rush (Repeat) Mar 27, 1949 Peary's Dash to the North Pole Apr 10, 1949 Ratification of the Constitution Sep 19, 1948 Sailing of the Mayflower Dec 21, 1947 Salem Witchcraft Trials Jul 28, 1947 Salem Witchcraft Trials (Repeat) Jan 4, 1948 Sentencing of Charles I Jan 9, 1949 Siege of Leiden May 29, 1949 Signing of the Magna Carta Jan 18, 1948 Signing of the Magna Carta (Repeat) May 16, 1948 Stamp Act Revolt at Williamsburg Mar 19, 1950 Storming of the Bastille Jul 14, 1947 Storming of the Bastille (Repeat) Dec 28, 1947 Surrender of New Amsterdam Jan 22, 1950 Surrender of Sitting Bull May 2, 1948 Surrender of Sitting Bull (Repeat) Jan 2, 1949 Trail of Aaron Burr Oct 30, 1949 Trail of William Penn May 14, 1950 Trail Run of the Tom Thumb Nov 27, 1949 Trial of John Peter Zenger Feb 6, 1949 Trial of Marie Antoinette Oct 17, 1948 Trial of Samuel Chase May 8, 1949 Wanted Dead or Alive: John Wilkes Booth Jun 5, 1949 Women's Rights Convention Jun 11, 1950